1. Regular Registration
Find here below the needed application documents for the regular registration of a vessel under St.Vincent flag:
- Application for registration
- Copy of notarized Bill of Sale
- Copy of the good standing certificate for the owning company
- Copy of DOC/SMC/ISSC certs to be submitted by the issuing organization or confirmation from authorized organization that same is being issued ( if applicable)
- ISM code declaration of company if applicable
- Recent Non Encumbrance certificate from the present registry
- Copy of International Tonnage certificate 1969
- Confirmation from the classification society that the vessel is in class without outstanding and had valid statutory certs
- Accounting authority identification code (A.A.I.C) / P.S.A. confirmation from the authority that they are setting the radio traffic accounts
- All continuous synopsis records certs copy
- Company security officer declaration
- Confirmation from authorized organization that the interim ISSC is being issued
2. Permanent Registration
Find here below the needed application documents for the Permanent registration of a vessel under St.Vincent flag:
- ORIGINAL Deletion Certificate from the previous Registry
- Copy of Last CSR issued with the Deletion Certificate in order to proceed with the new CSR
- ORIGINAL or certified true copy of Bill of Sale Notarized
- Original Ship’s Carving and Marking Note filled and stamped by Classification Surveyor (submitted with provisional registration documents)
- Original Application form
- Copies of Class and Statutory certificates including the interim safety management certificate
- Certificate of entry from the vessel’s P&I (Third Party Liability, Cargo & Crew)
- Original Radio Installation survey report filled in and stamped by classification surveyor (submitted with provisional registration documents)
- Original Epirb Registration Form
3. Endorsement
Find here below a list of documents applicable for issuance of Endorsements for Officers serving on a vessel flying St.Vincent Flag:
- Completed Application form
- Copy of valid STCW ’95 appropriate certificate of officer issued by a “white list” administration
- Officer’s valid medical fitness certificate
- Six (6) colour photographs of passport size (or colour photograph by e-mail)
- Copy of officer’s valid national passport
- Copy of officer's valid seaman passport
- Copies of the training certificates
Kindly note that all the above mentioned documents must be notarized.